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Solar to gas valve

Solar to Gas Valve

The Solar to Gas Valve is designed to be used in conjunction with solar water heating systems.  If the water from the solar system is not hot enough the valve diverts the water to the gas geyser to increase the temperature.

FloatOr as low as R246 / month interest-free, using your existing credit card. For orders over R1,200.How it works


If the water temperature is below the factory setting of 50˚C,
the water diverts through the COLD water outlet to the gas geyser (from here the water is increased to your desired temperature)

If the water temperature is above 50˚C, then it passes through the valve to the HOT water outlet directly to your bathrooms.

Help me choose my geyser

The logic tree is a tool that guides you through a series of questions to help find the gas water heater solution the would be most suitable for your individual home set up.

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