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Solid Flues

The flue pipe on a gas geyser works in the same way that a chimney pipe does on a fireplace. The flue pipe will draw the CO2 gasses produced by the gas burners out of the geyser, along with excess heat. Without a flue pipe, the CO2 gasses settle over the gas burners & literally smother the flames.

All the geysers that are B Type or the RS20DH must have a flue and where you are doing an outdoor installation with a flat roof weather box then a flue must be installed. In high wind areas a weather box or will help prevent the flames from being blown out.

Flue Guide

FloatOr as low as R51 / month interest-free, using your existing credit card. For orders over R1,200.How it works
Help me choose my geyser

The logic tree is a tool that guides you through a series of questions to help find the gas water heater solution the would be most suitable for your individual home set up.

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